Here they are - Filmjournalen (The Film Journal) 1920 and Filmen (The film) from the same year. On the front of Filmen you see Swedish Actress Mary Johnson. She appeared as Elsalill in Sir Arne's Treasure (Herr Arnes Pengar), a film from 1919 by Swedish director Mauritz Stiller, who brought Greta Garbo to America in 1925.
Mary Johnson later made some films in Germany, and married the German silent star Rudolf Klein-Rogge.

On this page you see an article about the dangers actors are put through while shooting some films, they really earn their money! You can see Douglas Fairbanks Sr climbing a wall, and Olive Thomas at the top stating "And then they claim that shooting a film is so easy" while taming a bull.

Two Swedish profiles - actor Lars Hanson and director Victor Sjöström (Körkarlen or The Phantom Carriage, 1921), who would be successful in America working with Lon Chaney Sr among others. Lars Hanson starred opposite Lillian Gish in The Wind (1928).

"The audience's favourites" reads the head line. Among others we have:
Wallace Reid - Wallie is born in St. Louis and was in the film industry in the olden days of Vitagraph. And he has also been a newspaper man, before becoming the famous character actor he is today.
John Barrymore - "The Winnerstrand of the film" he was named, when he for the first time appeared for the Swedish audience in "Amatörtjuven" (Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman, 1917) and won an incontestable success.
Mary Pickford - "All the world's Mary", America's most popular and lovable actress, that the Swedish audience only have heard about, but this season gets the opportunity to familiarize themselves with in Stockholm's newest ans biggest film theatre, Palladium.
Charles Chaplin - No one of the artists of the film is as controversial as Chaplin, but no one will deny, that he always gets the laughers on his side.
Marguerite Clark - A delightful little creature, with big brown child eyes and bushy brown hair - one of the America's as well as Europe's most celebrated stars in the film market.

A film director at work
"Put more feelings into it!" "No! No! Be natural!" "That's good, keep that position!"
Thomas Ince have given us many enjoyable moments.
Thomas Ince have given us many enjoyable moments.
On the right page the head line reads "Thomas H. Ince directing Dorothy Dalton."
[The mysterious death of Thomas Ince was an interesting story. He died on William Randolph Hearst's yacht in 1924. The circumstances of his death were never fully revealed by the crew, that consisted of W.R. Hearst, his wife Marion Davies, Charles Chaplin, author Elinor Glyn and others. One theory is that Ince was shot by Hearst, who thought he had aimed on Chaplin who had been having an affair with Marion Davies.
That theory is the plot of Peter Bogdanovich's film The Cat's Meow (2001), with Kirsten Dunst as Marion Davies, Eddie Izzard as Chaplin and Cary Elwes as Ince. Pretty good film, actually.]

Douglas Fairbanks raising money for America's war debts - five million dollars so far. (I wrote about his and his wife Mary Pickford's WWII efforts in this post.)

Mabel Normand, Mae Marsh, Marguerite Clark and Bessie Love on the same page!

An article called "The adaptability of the scenic art", showing pictures of Marguerite Clark, Juanita Hansen, Louise Glaume, Theda Bara and Mary Pickford.

Violet Mercereau. Born in New York 1897. Her father was a Frenchman and the mother English. Her scenic course started as early as when she was seven years old in a child role, which she played with a charm, that after that never left her. Norma Talmadge takes care of her garden with the same interest she has for film acting.

"Is it you who betrayed me, Elsalill?"
The autumn's first Swedish premiere was Sir Arne's Treasure, Mauritz Stiller's great film adaption of Selma Lagerlöf's short story. The premiere took place at Röda Kvar [The Red Mill] in Stockholm, now the film is on a journey aorund Sweden. The leading roles are played by Mary Johnson as Elsalill and Richard Lund as Sir Archi. The picture displays the scene where Sir Archi finds out that Elsalill has betrayed him."The film kiss demands grace and refinement to be beautiful. Eugene O'Brien and Norma Talmadge have enough of those products to teach others."
"For your information, this happy young couple is Harry Browne and Constance Talmadge."
"Regretfully the name of the film hero above is unknown to us. But it doesn't matter: the person that denies Norma a kiss is not worth being remembered."

ohh, lucky you!
I once found a great old book about Chaplin in library. sadly, it was in russian, I couldn't read a word. that book was big, pages were a little bit yellow because of aging, and it was full of rare photos. god, i wish that piece of gold would be mine. ehh.
Great Gatsby:
Why didn' you take it?! You know, everything is allowed in war, love and classic films! Yes, I'm really grateful, I can't stop looking in them! Maybe I'll post some more and translate, if it shows to be popular. Have a great weekend!
Wow! Those are swell! Thanks for sharing.
Those books seem to cover alot of Stars and stories..as if movies had been around a long time :o)
No problem, daahling! If I find more funny stuff or trivia in them, they will be included in another post for sure!
Haha, exactly! I found it very funny that they considered Wallace Reid a veteran in 1920...
What a treasure! Thanks for sharing with us.
haha, yes ;) in war, love and classic films ;)) you know, I think I'll try to buy it or something. thanks for an encouragement! hope your weekend is pleasant!
Jacqueline T Lynch:
More dear to me than life! I actually have the Film Journal books from 1923, 1948, 1948, 1950 and 1951 too! ;)
Great Gatsby:
Do it! And then share some pictures with us :)
Those are really a treasure. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, what beautiful books. Those are some treasures :)
Wow! I've been looking to get my hands on an old movie book for ages. Lucky you!
Princess Fire and Music:
No biggy! :)
Robby Cress:
Yes, today I got to know that they actually belonged to my grandmother (who passed away in the Estonia tragedy 1994), and before her to her parents. Now I have to get a safety box to keep them in!
Thank you! :) I find it especially funny to read about how eager the movie goers in Sweden were to see the latest Hollywood pictures...
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