The lovely Elizabeth, with the probably cosiest blog ever (I love it), Oh By Jingo! Oh By Gee!, honored me with the One Lovely Blog Award. Thank you so much!
I choose to see this blog award as something other than just "a great blog" award - those I will give the award to receive it because they have truly lovely blogs that make me feel "at home". (How cheesy I am.)

Anyway - a One Lovely Blog Award to the five following blogs, that just make me happy:
Kate Gabrielle at flapperdoodle
Millie at ClassicForever
Matthew Coniam at The Marx Brothers Council of Britain
Jonas Nordin at All Talking! All Singing! All Dancing!
MissMatilda at Matilda's Delights
The rules: Accept the award and post it on your blog with the name of the person that gave it to you. Pass on the award to as many bloggers as you wish and let them know you chose them for the award.
Keep up the good work folk, you make my day! And thank you again, Elizabeth!
thank you ever so much xx ooh exciting!!
Thank you Lolita!!
Thanks so much for mine, and sorry there hasn't been much new for a while: annotated guide to Horse Feathers on the way I promise!
Wow, you are so sweet Lolita!
Oh I agree! Being "lovely" is so much better than being "great!"
You deserve it, you have such a funny and sweet blog!
Kate Gabrielle:
Of course, dahling ;)
Matthew Coniam:
I wait with suspense!
And you too, dearest!
Yes! I'm mighty glad you want to describe my blog as such!
Hi Lolita! Just stumbled onto your website and am very much impressed!! this post was great--- you most certainly deserve your lovely blog award, congrats! :)
Well, thank you! And welcome :)
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