Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sweet times!

Oh yes, tax repayment! Sweet as hell. 4700 crowns went into my bank account today (ca $610), and I've already ordered on Amazon.com for $170 - and as I said: it's really sweet! (What would you save money for when you can spend them?)
And now I can pay the lovely Kate Gabrielle for her flapper doodle art work that should come in the mail any day now! What an amazing woman, I really admire her - I will be proud to hang the pictures on my wall.

Soon this original painting is mine, oh, mine!
(Hmm... I just realized that I chose a painting with three skinny versions of me on it!)

As you all might see, I've made some changes in the right column of Lolita's Classics. All the hours I spent on managing all the million photos I had there until just recently are deleted. They caused the blog to take unneccessary long time to load, and without them the page looks more "clean". I instead introduce Recent DVD purchases and Current obsessions. Also, the Labels are back. I'm quite satisifed, actually.

I hope the changes are satisfying for you, my adorable readers!


Philip Marlowe said...

Glad to hear of your newfound "cha-ching"!

I hope you get some Thin Man stuff with your money! I'm perpetually on a Powell-Loy kick myself...

Lolita of the Classics said...

C.K. Dexter Haven:
Haha, funny you say that... Bought the Thin Man box and the William Powell/Myrna Loy Box along with volume two and three of the Forbidden Hollywood Collection!

Darla: Retro Ways said...

Your blog loads alot faster and that painting is so beautiful, they do remind me of you! ♥

Lolita of the Classics said...

Great! I don't want it to be difficult to reach my blog. Thank you! I love the painting too, can't wait until I get it :)

Christopher said...

thats a nice painting..those dresses look like they're real fuzzy! :o))

Matthew Coniam said...

Yep - quicker to load. I do miss that Bettie Page picture, though...

Lolita of the Classics said...

Yes, I got in in the mail today! Now I'm off to but a frame to it ;)

Matthew Coniam:
Great! Why haven't I thought about removing all those messy pictures? Oh, I can put the Bettie Page up just for you if you want? Haha ;)

Genevieve said...

Haha, I never thought of that - the flappers do look like you!

The minute I get a check in my hand, I immediately want to spend it on movies as well! Its so hard to control the urge to spend it all at once : )

Lolita of the Classics said...

Commercialism is great! At least for the short-time happiness ;) But don't you just love to stand in front of your DVD collection and look at all films you own? Satisfying, indeed!