Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Do not forget!

Come on now, people! You only got to March 1st!

Give me some MS Paint scribble or a stick figure hastily drawn on the back of an old notebook: there is $10 to spend at one of Kate Gabrielle's Etsy stores, and those money need a spender!


  1. Well, I can tell you I'm entering for sure! Got the drawing done and all that, just need to scan it.

  2. Merriam:
    I'm so curious! It will be fun to see :)

  3. I know you say you are not easy to offend - but you would be by my lack of artistic prowess. I can't wait to see what other folks come up with though.
    How's the wedding planning going? We're nearly at the sending out the invites stage...

  4. If I had an ounce of artistic talent, I'd be game...but I am totally lacking (and that's being kind).

  5. Already sent mine in earlier this month! :]

  6. Matthew:
    Haha! Okay, I think I will accept that you don't participate then ;)
    Well, we have finally concluded the last-name-discussion, and now we're off to do the paperwork. I guess you will have a more grand wedding than us - we will not send out any invitations since only close friends and family will be present :)

    Rick 29:
    Haha, great confidence! Well, I bet you have other qualities ;)

    Oh my fucking God! It's awesome! This will be very exciting :) I can't believe that your mail was sorted out as spam though, I had trouble finding it among 1000 Viagra pill mails :S


If the world co-operated with my wishes I would neither have letter combinations nor comment moderation on my blog. However, I don't want Viagra or Russian mail order brides. Please write a name (fake or whatever), since anonymous comments tend to end up with the mentioned offerings - as spam.