Thursday, August 20, 2009

Male Cheesecake #1

Robert Mitchum with his shirt popped off, hairy and in color. Could it be better?

I've caught a cold - again. Every time there is some tiny little change in the wheather, I get a cold. I know, everyone feels sorry for me. That's because I'm suffering. Big time.
But there is a cure! Oh yes, there is a cure. Even if the effect maybe isn't too consistent. The cure spells M-A-L-E C-H-E-E-S-E-C-A-K-E.

Go fetch your drooling bucket, and have fun! Even if you don't have a cold. Like me.

Clint Eastwood looks determinated.

Wrestling Nat Pendleton in pretty underwear.

Fred MacMurray visualizes the dream of the perfect American.

Burt Lancaster is proud over his (probably painted-on) tattoo.

If every woman could have their own Tyrone Power in their backyard...

Dear Mr. Gable, oh dear...

Errol Flynn sure knows how to pose.

Hmm, maybe I need to employ a gardener... Do they all have the Montgomery Clift outfit?

Sean Connery looks like he doesn't know how to read. But he sure is handsome.

And a Rock Hudson in a towel - only. I'm no big fan of his, but if he keeps his wardrobe in that style, I guess we can get along.


  1. Yechh! Put your clothes back on, boys!
    If God had meant men to take their shirts off he'd have given them breasts.
    Though in Monty Clift's case I see that he did...

    1. Your kidding aren't you... ridiculous attitude.

  2. Hi, just what i needed to see in this hot hot day in Madrid
    (i better like this: )


  3. ooooh, thank you Lolita!!
    I like the Sean Connery one best, I think. lol I love your caption for it too!!

  4. Matthew Coniam:
    Now you're just mean to poor Clift! That's muscles! Ha ha.

    Nice picture! Who is it?

    Kate Gabrielle:
    Hehe, thought the girls in the blogosphere could have a little laugh! Yeah, I like the Sean Connery too, but I think Tyrone Power looks most appealing!

  5. Hahaha, what a funny post. I love Robert Mitchum's bike! At the same time it's funny to see such a manly man on a bike like that. I guess if he can ride a bike like that then a manly man like me can ride a bike like that ;)

  6. You know, I hate to admit it, but I think I agree with you about Tyrone Power in that photo. I think it's because you can't really see his face (I think he's too pretty for a man) -- but the rest of him.. *blushes*

  7. Alain Delon in his twenties!


  8. Diana:
    Thank you! Jesus Almighty Christ (sorry for the blasphemy), after a quick Google search I realize that I must see more of that man! "The James Dean of French cinema", alright!

    Robby Cress:
    I bet he could wear a skirt while drinking a Shirley Temple, and still look like the manly man he is!

    Kate Gabrielle:
    Totally agree with you! It's like people who are attracted to Orlando Bloom, or a young Brad Pitt - aren't they just... too pretty? In that case I'd rather take a not-so-classicly-googd-looking man like Robert Mitchum any day.

    But when Tyrone Power pops his shirt off and covers his face a bit - oh yeah!

  9. That's certainly a good way to brighten your day!

  10. Ha! Love love love that Rock Hudson picture, and you're right about Errol Flynn. :)

  11. Ooh, missed this post, but ooh-la-la! Love the Mitchum and Connery pics in particular. I will definitely remember this cure for the next time I'm stricken with a cold!

  12. Elizabeth:
    The best there is!

    Ha ha!

    Yeah, Connery is a hottie! Yes, do - it helps a lot, I assure you!

  13. I don't have a cold (already had one this year) but I've got hay fever and I've been feeling rotten. It's not my tablets kicking in that have made me feel a little better, it's Robert, Burt, Tyrone, Clark, Monty and Rock!!! Next time I feel like sh*t, I'll take a peek at your male cheesecake!


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