Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Art Giveaway at Kate Gabrielle's!

Oh yeah, the girl is on again! This time she lets you choose from three different artwork baskets (read more about the insanely easy rules to join the competition here)! Oh, I sure love those mini pocket mirrors...

Greedy for Kate Gabrielle artwork as I am, I of course join this competition too. (The flapper doodle paintings look marvellous on my wall, as you can see in this post.) But of course, the unselfish part of me wishes that someone else who admire the art as much as I will win this time, to get her paintings spreading.

So - follow this link to her blog post, read and attend!

"Astaireing Contest" by Kate Gabrielle. Just brilliant, haha.


  1. I love The Astaireing Contest! I bought a print of it a couple months always makes me happy...

  2. I've given you an award!


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